Welcome to Parenting on Purpose
I am dedicated to helping parents raise confident, happy and well-rounded children through my range of tailored services.
You will have access to a range of learning opportunities to support you in becoming a more intentional and effective parent. Whether you prefer individual attention or group learning, we have options to meet your needs.
Positive discipline techniques
Effective communication skills between parent and child
Building strong parent-child relationships
Encouraging positive behaviour and self-esteem in children
Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries
Managing and reducing parental stress
Balancing work and family life
Addressing challenging behaviours such as tantrums, aggression, and defiance
Developing a parenting style that meets the child's needs
Coping with transitions such as divorce, blended families, or a new baby
Coping with transitions such as divorce, blended families, or a new baby
Supporting children's emotional development and mental health
Helping children with learning difficulties or disabilities
Navigating technology use and screen time
Addressing issues related to adolescent development, such as peer pressure, risk-taking behavior, and identity formation
Addressing special needs parenting, such as raising a child with ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Developing effective strategies to promote academic success and achievement in children.
1:1 sessions
My 1:1 sessions provide you with personalised attention from an experienced parenting coach. You will have the opportunity to discuss your specific parenting challenges and receive guidance and customised parenting planstailored to your unique situation. These sessions start from $80 an hour, with a free 15 minute consultation.
Online Courses
My online classes provide you with the convenience of learning from the comfort of your own home. Our classes are taught by experienced parenting coaches and cover a range of topics, such as managing challenging behaviour, building strong relationships with your children, and setting effective boundaries. Online classes are $250 per person for a 4 session course as well as an individual follow up.
Block Courses
My block courses provide you with a more in-depth learning experience. Our courses are designed to help you build a strong foundation of parenting skills and provide you with the support you need to implement what you have learned in your daily life. Block courses are $300 for 4 sessions as well as in individual follow up.